This dashboard shows the environmental metrics for the City of Redmond. The City of Redmond has a long standing commitment to environmental quality for its residents and tries to minimize its negative impact. As a local government, Redmond is in a position to affect change locally, regionally, and nationally by preparing for climate change and identifying actions that would help lessen our local impact in the production of greenhouse gases. The City's Comprehensive Plan includes policies for development of greenhouse gas emissions reduction and energy consumption reduction strategies. Redmond's Climate Action Implementation Plan presents a framework for climate change planning and outlines a series of strategies to reduce our carbon footprint for both city operations and the city at large. Additionally, the City's Clean and Green Budget Priority requires effective management of basic services providing a progressive and forward thinking city while improving the environment.
The City of Redmond joined the King County- Cities Climate Collaboration in 2014 to leverage our efforts to reduce the local and global impact of climate change. The King County- Cities Climate Collaboration, or K4C for short, is a group of 13 cities along with King County taking action to reduce carbon pollution from transportation, energy supply, consumption, buildings, and land use. K4C is also working to set shared goals and lead by example. The Growth Management Planning Council (GMPC) of King County adopted a target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 25% in 2020 compared to 2007, 50% by 2030, and 80% by 2050 which are now a shared commitment of the K4C. This stepped goal is based on the science of the Intergovernmental panel for Climate Change (IPCC), who has modeled this type of global carbon budget trajectory is necessary to avoid the worst of global climate change.
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