Community Water Consumption

Redmond is a member of the Cascade Water Alliance, who procures water from the Cedar River and the South Fork of the Tolt River. Cascade Water Alliance plays a large part in encouraging the efficient use of water by offering irrigation system upgrade rebates, classroom presentations on water topics, free online ordering of shower timers, rain gauges, and more! Check out their website to see if you qualify for free water conservation items: Water from the Cascade Water Alliance supplies roughly 2/3 of the City. The remainder of the City is served by four City wells that pull from a shallow aquifer. Overall water consumption has been on slight steady incline over the past six years.

Redmond Community Water Usage

Per Capita Water Usage

On average, Redmond residents used approximately 40,200 gallons of water in 2017. This is a small decrease over the past few years. Water is used residentially for both household and outdoor irrigation tasks.

Redmond Community Water Usage per Capita